A dark twisted horror fantasy set in the modern day world, as a small group of humans and demons prepare for war when an ancient prophecy telling of an angel who will rise to unseat the emperor Lucifer becomes a terrifying reality. As evil grows stronger, alliances are formed and heroes will rise and humanity hanging in the balance. (YouTube)
A dark twisted apocalyptic shocker about a group of humans and demons who must band together to fight for the fate of humanity. When an ancient prophecy unleashes an evil spirit, hell is brought upon the world. (IMDB)
Tom Lodewyck
Tony Todd
Bill Moseley
Linnea Quigley
Angus Scrimm
Debbie Rochon
Debra Lamb
Barbara Magnolfi
Chris Burchette
Kaylee Williams
Camden Toy
Country - USA
Language - English
Release Date - 12 September 2014
Production Company - Hollow Films